Things to avoid



1. Dining Near A Tourist Destination

Never eat at eateries and diners located close to prominent tourist attractions if you want to experience the city's delectable, well-known local cuisine. You won't realize how horribly pricey their food is until after they've enticed you in with opulent interiors and a promise of the best dining experience in the city.

  2. Overpacking

Pack only what you need and know you’ll use, not what you think you’ll use.  Buy the rest at your destination (possibly at a fraction of the priceOnce fully packed, review everything you have and try to reduce the load a little bit more.

 3. Relying Totally on Guide Books

Guidebooks are made to inform your travels, not to define them. Put the guidebook down and interact with other travelers and people at the destination. Allow yourself to explore and use your own initiative; there is a lot more to a place than what is in any guidebook.

  4. Not Making Copy of Documents

Have a hard copy of your documents (passport, IDs, travel insurance policy, credit cards) with you, and a digital copy safe (if possible, as a password-protected .pdf) on a “secret” email account you can easily access. 



  1. I will try to remember these tips when I travel.

    1. Pray for me every time you remember any of these ๐Ÿ˜‰

  2. I really learned new things. Thanks a lot!

  3. Very informative & essential things to avoid! Thanks a lot


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