Make your traveling experience unique

"A Unique Experience is a Long Lasting Memory"

Some people travel and come back the same even when they make good planning and search for the perfect destination, but according to them “nothing has changed”.


I kept asking myself what is the secret of having an exquisite travelling experience other than just good planning!

I think there are many ways through which you can have a memorable traveling experience. Some people aren’t aware of these as their only concern is to find the perfect destination, a comfortable place to stay in, and to save their budget.


Let me tell you a few things to consider
 when you travel to seek a unique

1. Choose the right partner:

Great company is the number one reason to have an amazing travelling experience. Many express that “the company is way more important than the place”. It is true, when you go with someone who you feel comfortable with and share interests with as well, it will make you feel excited to try new things as both of you will be in agreement most of the time. This will make the journey goes smoothly and you will create a special memory at the end.

2. Try activities you wouldn’t try back home:

Yes, take the opportunity to try the things you don’t have time for or maybe the money to try them back home. It’s your chance to experience something new. For example, some people spend years in their home country without visiting zoos, climbing mountains, or doing punji jumping. Although, these kinds of activists are available in their homes. However, trying new things for the first time while travelling is always different and the memory lasts forever.

 3.  Indulge in the nature around you:

Nature varies in each new place. The mountains, beaches, and desserts tell unique stories of that particular place. So, connect with nature and spend time away from the city if it is possible, even if it’s for one day. This will work as therapy to you. You will feel refreshed, balanced, full of energy and ready to reconnect with the real world.


4. Immerse in the culture:

Don’t go to fancy restaurants, instead try street food. Go to the nearest local market and meet the local people. Get to know their foodculture and their stories. Spend more time in these markets as you will open your eyes to a new world that will create a rich memory in your mind. There are some places which can arrange you with cultural experience and tours. Try to plan for these places and make your booking ahead.




  1. love this!! Great job

  2. Couldn't agree more! Especially with that first point. I've been to same places with different partners every time. It felt like a different place each time๐Ÿคฃ

  3. Thank you so much. Your tips are great. I will try them in my next trip.

  4. They will all go down the drain if you don't choose a good partner. Excellent tips!

  5. Interesting! I totally agree especially with having a good company ๐Ÿ˜!

    1. Yes, we should carefully choose the person we're travelling with. Thanks dear

  6. You’re absolutely right. After having great company, the first thing I would do is trying activities I wouldn’t try back home for many different reasons. The most importantly is that no one knows me there ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚.

    1. I totally understand you ๐Ÿคฃ. Thanks for sharing dear

  7. Informative๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿผ

  8. Good topic ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ

  9. I will definitely follow these tips in the future ๐Ÿ“


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